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Tick the Boxes to Worry-Free Business Finance

by Rob Connell / September 5, 2021

Use our insider’s guide

If your business is growing and you’re looking for a working capital finance solution, there’s a number of options out there. But the wrong choice could cost you more than you think – even your business and your personal assets.

To help you avoid the traps, we’ve put together this short checklist:

No personal or director guarantees

No security over your assets

The total cost is clear

You’re dealing with an advisor, not a salesperson

No personal guarantees

The right finance product doesn’t need your guarantee. Personal guarantees mean that, if your business is unable to pay its debt, you’re personally responsible for doing so.

No house or private assets as security

The right finance product doesn’t need your house or private assets as security. If your business is unable to pay its debt, those assets may be sold by your financier with the proceeds being used to repay the debt .

Clear total costs

Advertised rates often aren’t the whole story: unclear fees and other charges can quickly add to the cost. If you need to dig to work out the total cost of your finance, that’s a red flag that could be surprise costs for which you hadn’t budgeted.

Get an advisor, not a salesperson

Every business owner can benefit from good advice.

You need to deal with someone who understands your business and can help you select the finance product best for you. 

Print out the worry-free business finance checklist below. Run it over each business finance option you consider:

☐ Are personal guarantees required?
☐ Is security required?
☐ Do you know the real cost?
☐ Are you dealing with an advisor, not a salesperson?

How do you get worry-free business finance?

If you’ve got a great business, you need worry-free business finance that:

  1. Gives you the funds to unlock your business potential
  2. Keeps your personal assets personal
  3. Gives you the freedom to make the decisions you want.

Thriver’s invoice financing solution provides all those things.


by Rob Connell / September 5, 2021